Oddział Wrocławski PTF
zaprasza na wykład w języku angielskim Dra Johna Prestona Stovalla (University of Hradec Králové)
poświęcony ewolucji ludzkiego poznania (abstrakt niżej).
Spotkanie zaplanowane jest na platformie MS Teams
28.05.2021 o godzinie 15.00
Polish Philosophical Society in Wroclaw
invites for the lecture by Dr John Preston Stovall (University of Hradec Králové)
on the evolution of human cognition (abstract below).
The meeting is scheduled on MS Teams
28.05.2021 at 15.00
Of all that differentiates human beings from the rest of the animal kingdom, our cognition is probably our most defining trait. But what is the nature of human cognition? Because human cognition is a biological trait, answers to this question must come in part through a study of the evolution of human cognition. But human cognition can also be understood as a rational activity (or one that approximates rationality).
In this lecture, we use philosophical tools to evaluate recent work in evolutionary anthropology, primatology, neuroscience, and comparative psychology, with the aim of outlining a view on the evolution of human cognition. This view locates philosophy as the rational and self-conscious exercise of natural capacities to sense, think, and act that we inherit from the species.