Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne, Oddział we Wrocławiu, oraz Zakład Filozofii Społecznej i Politycznej Instytutu Filozofii UWr zapraszają na wykład dr Tamary Caraus From ‘bare life’ to the being-in-refugium: Agamben on the condition of refugees and thinking political philosophy anew
24 stycznia 2018, środa, godzina 16.15, sala 45a w Instytucie Filozofii.
Tamara Cărăuș (PhD 2001, University of Bucharest) is a researcher in political theory and her current area of research includes political theory of cosmopolitanism, global protests and resistance, radical democracy, migration and critical theory of work. In the academic year 2016-2017, she was a Visiting Professor at the University of Bucharest Research Institute/ICUB, Social Sciences Division, with the research project Migrant Cosmopolitanism. Previously, Tamara Caraus has undertaken research projects in political philosophy at the University of Rijeka, Croatia; Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, Austria; University of Uppsala, Sweden; University of Groningen, The Netherland; Oxford University, UK; Palacky University of Olomouc, Czech Republic and other institutions. She was the Principal Investigator within the team research project Critical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism(2011-2014) at New Europe College, Bucharest. She contributed with articles to various academic journals and edited volumes, published tzara mea (2001), Ethical Perspectives on the Postmodern Rewriting (2003), Traps of Identity (2011), The Paper Language (2017) and co-edited Cosmopolitanism and the Legacy of Dissent (Routledge, 2014), Re-Grounding Cosmopolitanism: Towards a Post-Foundational Cosmopolitanism (Routledge, 2015); Cosmopolitanism Without Foundations (Zeta Books, 2015); Cosmopolitanism and Global Protests: Special Issue of Globalisations (Taylor &Francis Journal, 2017) and Cosmopolitanism and Migrant Protests (forthcoming, Routledge, 2018).