The Honor Chair of the Conference is Professor Robert Segal (University of Aberdeen)
Conference-Programme-18052019_BEST (PDF / 196.92 kb)
Thursday – 06.06.2019
8:00 - Registration
9:00 - The Conference Opening
9:10-9:55 (Keynote speaker) Prof. Robert Segal – The Study of Myth Today: The Place of Jungian Psychology
(University of Aberdeen, UK)
10:00-10:30 Prof. Maria Kostyszak – Therapy of Shadow in Film and Literature - Philosophical Perspective
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
10:35-11:20 (Keynote speaker) John Beebe – “Why is this Real?”
(IAAP, Past President of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, US)
11:20-11:30 Discussion
11:30 - 11:40 Tea break
11:40-12:10 Johann Graaff (PhD) - Wotan and Cats: Reframing Jungian Sociology for the Early 21st Century
(University of Cape Town, South Africa)
12:15-12:45 Josefa Bayes-King (MA) - Return to Indigenous Art Forms: potential for Healing
(IAAP, Australia)
12:45-12:55 Discussion
12:55 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15-14:45 Gustavo Orlandeli Marques - Portuguese Sebastianism as an intersection field between the right and left political forces in the Brazilian 2018 presidential elections
(SBPA, Brazil)
14:50-15:20 Prof. Ilona Błocian - Archetypal Pattern of Imagination. Social Imaginarium
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
15:25-15:55 Ewa Kwiatkowska (PhD) - Dilemmas of Interpreting C.G. Jung’s conception in the Context of the Cultural Issues
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
15:55-16:05 Discussion
16:05 - 16:15 Tea break
16:15-16:45 Bojana Stamenkovic (MD) - In the Quest for Temenos: Serbian Cultural Complexes
(IM of IAAP, Serbia)
16:50-17:20 Patrycja Neumann - The hero as a dominant mythical motif in Western culture and its relevance nowadays. The postulates of Jung and his followers
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
17:20-17:30 Discussion
Friday – 07.06.2019
9:00 The Second Day Opening
9:10-9:55 (Keynote speaker – Video lecture) Murray Stein (PhD)
"Mob Psychology - Who is Free of It?"
(IAAP, Switzerland)
10:00-10:30 Prof. Vicky Jo Varner - The Lost Art of Personification
(University of Philosophical Research, US)
10:30-10:40 Discussion
10:40-10:50 Tea break
10:50-11:20 Norifumi Kishimoto (MD) - Trace of Psychological Impact in the Drawings by Cancer Patients
(Shizuoka General Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan)
11:25-11:55 Lidar Shany - Erich Neumann’s Great Mother, Andre’ Green’s Dead Mother, and Ecopsychology
(Pacifica Graduate Institute CA)
12:00-12:30 Ronald G. Kellestine (MA) - Sculptural Subterranean Tectonic Movement Collective Unconsciousness, Modern Social Motion, and the Search for Persona and True Self
12:30-12:40 Discussion
12:40 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15-14:45 Agnieszka Tarwid Löfström – On the Feminity of God
(IAAP, Sweden)
14:45-15:15 Hannah Hennebert (MA, NCC) - The Archetypal Feminine in the Kaxinawá Archetypal Stories: A Jungian and Post-Colonial Approach
(Saybrook University, US)
15:20-15:50 Kamila Rainko (MD) - The heroine from the shadows - the fierce feminine in popular cinematography
(IAAP, Poland)
15:50-16:00 Discussion
16:00-16:10 Tea break
16:10-16:40 Andrew Kuzmicki (PhD) - Thinking of A Social Hierarchy as an Instinctual and Archetypal Phenomenon
(Polish Online Journal of Analytical Psychology,, UK)
16:45-17:15 Arian Kowalski (MA) - The Fellowship of the Ring as a collective structure of imagination in the light of Aristotle's theory of friendship and Jungian concept of the self
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
17:15-17:25 Discussion
17:25-17:35 Tea break
17:35-18:20 (Keynote speaker – Video lecture) Joe Cambray (PhD)
A 21st Century look at the Concept of the Unconscious.
Saturday – 08.06.2019
9:00 The Third Day Opening
9:10-9:40 Christopher Fortune (PhD) – Planted Like a Tree in the Garden: Interviewing Carl Jung's Son
(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
9:45-10:15 Kathrin Schaeppi (MS, MFA) – Hilma af Klint / C.G. Jung: Illuminating Parallels in their Life and Art
(IAAP, AGAP, SGAP, ASP, Switzerland)
10:15-10:25 Discussion
10:25 - 10:35 Tea break
10:35-11:05 Stefano Carpani (MA, M.Phil.) - The Fall Of The Berlin Wall –
When a Complex change History: The Numinous and Giegerich´s End of Meaning
(C.G. Jung Institute Zürich-Küsnacht, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex)
11:10-11:40 Joanna Kasha (MA) - 'Civilisation in Transition': Collective Structures of Imagination in XXI Century from The Point View of Analytical Psychology
(Jagiellonian University, Poland)
11:45-12:15 Emilia Tołkaczew (MA) - The Ego-centrism of Modern Storytelling: Disillusionment and the Death of the Divine
(PAAP, Poland)
12:15-12:25 Discussion
12:25 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Helge Michael Osterhold (PhD, MFT) - Cultural complex, death anxiety and individuation during the times of populism: a dialogue between Jungian Psychology and Social Psychology
(California Institute of Integral Studies, US)
14:35-15:05 Monica Luci (PhD) - The Wall: Object, Image and Processes in Individual and Collective Psyche
(AIPA, Italy)
15:05-10:15 Discussion
15:15 - 15:25 Tea break
15:25-16:05 Kamila Morawska (MA) - The concept of androgynous imagination and her images-matter. About how Bachelard read Jung
(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
16:05-16:35 Michał Wróblewski (PhD) - Debate of contemporary magicians – Peterson-Žižek
(University of Gdańsk, Poland)
16:40-17:10 Hannah Hennebert (MA, NCC) - The Amazonian Myth of Honorato and Caninana: A Brazilian Way to Explain the Syzygy
(Saybrook University, US)
17:10-17:30 Discussion ending the conference
17:30 - The End of The Conference