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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Erasmus+ > Blended Intensive Programme “Maps of Europe. Ways of Philosophy” in Wroclaw (15-17.05.2023 online and 29.05.-2.06.2023 on-site)

Dear Students and Partners,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Blended Intensive Program “Maps of Europe. Ways of Philosophy” organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Wroclaw on 29.05.2023-2.06.2023 in Wroclaw, in cooperation with: Charles University Prague, University of Ostrava, Leipzig University, University of Kiel and University of Greifswald.

BIP, or BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMME, is a form of mobility recently offered by the Erasmus+ Program.

These are short, intensive teaching and training programs (extending the standard teaching offer of the university), combining short physical and virtual mobility, assuming exchange of experiences and teamwork between students and staff from our and at least 2 foreign universities, representing Erasmus+ countries (EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Turkey and Republic of Serbia).

The BIP learners can be both students and university staff – our BIP is aimed at students from different study cycles: in addition to the 20 students who will come to us from foreign universities (from Prague, Leipzig, Kiel and Greifswald – who receive 6 ECTS credits for participation in the BIP), we invite students and doctoral students of philosophy and our university to participate in the BIP (as free listeners).

Our BIP “Maps of Europe. Ways of Philosophy” consists of two parts:

  1. on-line lectures: 15 – 17 May (which will be held on MS Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3apmmRCsF61Wx_R6p39KDplJ90iazbY8jxVZsfB_O_bbA1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=17bca126-2de3-4249-8c4f-85c768fde6e5&tenantId=2b71bef9-3b13-4432-b5f4-1f5ac2278d0c
  2. on-site lectures and workshops: 29 May – 2 June (stationary in the Institute of Philosophy and around)

The detailed program of both parts can be found in the attachments:   

BIP_on-line-15-17-May (DOCX / 14.70 kb)

BIP_on-site-part-29-may-2-June (DOCX / 17.62 kb)

The aim of the course is a philosophical of content reflection on ideas, issues and currents of contemporary political philosophy and aesthetics. The philosophical perspectives presented and discussed during the course will be focused on the history, cultures, societies, identities and crises of Europe.

The content of the course will concern the following points:

  1. Contemporary imaginaries of Europe: metamorphoses and activations of political myths;
  2. Europe: history told through the image;
  3. Memory, history, antagonism. Philosophical approaches to the issues;
  4. Landscape after communism. Philosophical, social and cultural Discourses in Central and Eastern Europe;
  5. Europe: maps, myths, aesthetics.

BIP application and funding rules:

  1. The Institute of Philosophy of the Wroclaw University as the BIP organizing and the hosting institution is responsible for the overall coordination, application and administration of the BIP organizational support and is at the same time the receiving university.

The BIP project coordinators in the Institute of Philosophy are Dr. Karol Morawski (karol.morawski@uw.edu.pl) and Dr. Agnieszka Bandura (agnieszka.bandura@uwr.edu.pl).

  1. Incoming students and staff

Although our university is responsible for the overall coordination and application for the organizational support for the BIP, each of the participating universities assume some roles in the implementation of the BIP.

Mobile/ incoming participants of a BIP are students and staff members who leave their country of higher education. This group consists of 15 to 20 participants (learners).

Students and tutors of students from partner universities participating in the BIP organized by the University of Wroclaw come to Wroclaw at the expense of the sending university – as part of the funding of short-term BIP moblilities.

Each sending university must finance the grants for its mobile participants from its Eramsus+ budget, i.e., plan and calculate them, and document and report each mobility as usual. This includes the preparation of Learning Agreements, Confirmation of Stay, etc.


Students participate in a BIP as part of a short-term blended mobility.

Each student applies for such a grant individually, according to the established rules, with his Erasmus+ coordinator at the sending institution.

Funding rates for short-term blended mobility for students can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-programme-guide.

In addition, students with fewer opportunities receive travel expenses for the short-term blended mobility.

In addition, one day of travel before the start of the mobility period and one day of travel after the mobility period can each be covered by the individual support (Green Travel). Students who are not eligible for the travel allowance (i.e. do not qualify as students with fewer opportunities) can receive €50 for sustainable travel (one-time Top-Up for Green Travel), as well as up to 4 additional travel days (only if these additional days are justified by the travel duration).


Staff members can participate in a BIP as learners – then apply with their Erasmus+ coordinators and their institutions individually for a 5-day mobility grant (training).

Also staff members can participate in a BIP as teachers – then apply with their Erasmus+ coordinators and their institutions individually for few days mobility grant (teaching), but do not count towards the BIP participants (learners).

Funding rates for short-term blended mobility for staff can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-programme-guide.

In addition, they can receive travel expenses for the short-term blended mobility.

BIP settlement and confirmation rules:

BIP is integrated into the curriculum of participating learners.

The Institute of Philosophy – as the organizer of BIP – confirms participation in the program with a Certificate of Attendance/ Transcript of Records (of 5 days and 6 ECTS credits), issued on the last day of the course.

The credit points should be recognized at the home university. An exception is made for doctoral students, who do not have to acquire ECTS credits as part of their dissertation studies.

Certificates of Attendance are also given to the staff participating in the BIP (as learners).

The Erasmus+ coordinator at the Institute of Philosophy signs individual Learning Agreements and Certificates for both incoming students and staff (also electronically – my address: agnieszka.bandura@uwr.edu.pl).

Further information can be found here: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-programme-guide.

We look forward to seeing you in Wroclaw!