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Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Instytut Filozofii

Znajdujesz się w: Strona główna > Aktualności > Wykład Gaelana Harmona-Walkera dla doktorantów

Gaelan Harmon-Walker był gościem kursu Individual and Society in American Neo-Psychoanalysis, który prowadzi w Kolegium Doktorskim Filozofii dr Eli Orner Kramer. Poniżej przedstawiamy profil prelegenta (w języku angielskim). Jednocześnie przypominamy, że 29 czerwca odbędzie się kolejny wykład w cyklu American Philosophy and CultureMatteo Johannes Stettler wygłosi prelekcję pt. "Thoreau's Stoicism in Letters to a Spiritual Seeker: the Spiritual Direction of Harrison Blake".


Gaelan Walker, LAT, LPC, ATR-BC, received his master’s degree in Art Therapy and Counseling from Eastern Virginia Medical School, with work focusing on internal narratives and cognition in adult responses to visuoconstructive tasks in the Art Therapy-Projective Imagery Assessment, under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Deaver.  Over the past decade, Gaelan has worked with clientele including who have experienced bereavement or traumatic separation; adults experiencing addiction; and parents involved with US justice system. Gaelan is a member of the American Art Therapy Association Research Committee and a member of the Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association editorial board. Gaelan has a longstanding interest in psychoanalysis. His research involves client-assessment dynamics – such as, adult conscious scripts and ‘blunt’ reactions to psychoanalytically-grounded art therapy assessments, which are designed to elicit both conscious and unconscious behavior. In the past, he has engaged in research focused on developmental attachment transitions reflected in art therapy assessment. Gaelan’s reading in psychoanalysis has centered on early Lacanian structuralism, classical psychoanalysis, and dream work via Jung. Gaelan is currently developing clinical applications of digital illustration and collage to rehabilitation and exploring tools for the creation of VR environments in order to illustrate concepts from the history of philosophy.
