The Institute of Philosophy invites you to attend the lecture
"Aristotelian Mechanical Metaphors in the History of Science and Technology"
by Professor Geoffrey S. Bowe (Istanbul Technical University)
at 1 p.m. on 4th June 2020
This talk examines Aristotle’s use of mechanical devices as explanatory metaphysical metaphors, and how they were received in the middle ages. In Scholastic philosophy, in one case at least, a failure to understand Aristotle’s mechanical metaphors reveals a prevalent medieval suspicion of science and confusion of mechanics with necromancy (black magic). Beyond exploring the fascinating particulars of the mechanical devices and their reception in lore and legacy in Aristotle and his reception in the writings of Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, the paper reflects upon how society blurs the lines between magic, art and science.
Łącze do informacji o wykładzie w usłudze MS Teams w ramach spotkania zespołu dla przedmiotu "History of Political Thought":
Mariusz Turowski: prof. G.S. Bowe (Istanbul Technical University), "Aristotelian Mec…
Dołączenie do spotkania - po kontakcie z zarządzającym zespołem "History of Political Thought":